System for plant monitoring and real-time production assessment
Company Maral Srl
Technology providers Fill In The Blanks Srl
Technologies used Internet of Things Software Integration and Digital Platforms
Middle layer software for two-way communication between machinery and the production management system based on IoT sensors
The project
The digitisation project developed by Maral, together with Fill In The Blanks and with the support of IP4FVG, addresses the need to monitor actual times and causes of downtime and integrate the information into the company’s production management system.
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Results and future developments
A middle layer software – fitted with an interface for two-way communication between machinery and management system based on IoT sensors – was developed. This software allows causes of downtime to be monitored and analysed while making preventive maintenance actions possible. Once the testing phase is over, the interface may be extended to different machinery and processing types for optimisation of the entire production line.