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Test4Digitalization: call for funding pilot digitalisation projects launched

Encourage, through grants, the introduction of 4.0 technologies within domestic micro, small- and medium-sized businesses in the manufacturing and construction sectors. It is with this in mind that Area Science Park, as part of IP4FVG activities and relying on funds from the Argo system, has launched “Test4Digitalization“, an opportunity dedicated to companies that want to develop a digital transformation project, designed based on their own internal processes.

The call, running from 6 December 2021 to 7 February 2022, has a total budget of € 300,000, whereby it aims to support projects that lead to the identification and, subsequently, testing of the most appropriate technological solutions for individual business needs, before moving on to large-scale transformation, a phase in which investments can be costly, especially if not well analysed and verified.

To be eligible for the grant, companies must submit a project geared towards the development of a prototype, demo, proof of concept (POC) or pilot initiative that addresses its digitalisation needs. The project is to be implemented in collaboration with one or more ICT consulting providers.

The expected grant for each enterprise totals € 30,000 and will be distributed as follows: 80% of eligible project costs for Micro and Small Enterprises and 70% for Medium Enterprises. Facilities will be granted in accordance with the rules on “de minimis” aid, following the submission of technical and financial report of the project.

Projects will be assessed based on maturity and clarity of the enterprise’s digitalisation path, quality and innovativeness of the project, effectiveness and efficiency of the activity programme. An additional score will be awarded to projects involving one or more ICT vendors that operate in Friuli Venezia Giulia and participate in the Digital Solutions initiative, the expression of interest promoted by the digital innovation hub that scouts for technologies related to digital transformation.

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Per saperne di più sulla call Test4Digitalization, le opportunità e le modalità di partecipazione, iscriviti al live webinar di presentazione in programma il giorno 16 dicembre alle ore 17.00.
I nostri esperti presenteranno l’iniziativa e risponderanno alle tue domande

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