Company NL comp srl
Technology providers Seamthesis Srl; Koyre Srl
Technologies used 3D printing Internet of Things Simulation and optimization
3D printing and sensing of sailboat components
The project
ECOFOILER has resulted from NL COMP’s need to test 3D printing to optimise the production of certain parts of boats made of recyclable composite. Through collaboration with Seamthesis and the support of IP4FVG, NL COMP used finite element method (FEM) simulation and 3D printing to create a new optimised foil prototype.
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Results and future developments
Together with KOYRè, the foil was then sensorised to enable the collection of technical performance data during the sea test phase. Product optimisation as early as the design and prototyping stage has reduced processing time and material consumption, while data analysis will enable NL COMP to increasingly improve product performance and customise the product according to customer needs.